Comelz CZ Serie: The most complete solution to meet the wide variety needs of cut

Comelz CZ Serie: Advanced cutting solution for leather goods.
  • SECTORS: Leather goods, Footwear, Automotive, Apparel and Furniture

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  • high production cutting island
  • completely ergonomic with tilted work area

The TUV certification obtained for Comelz CZM, CZL, CZXL is a further guarantee of the highest safety standards.


A deeper tilted work area allows for handling the hides in large portions, or even entire hides if the area is wide enough. This is the reason why, depending on the hides, everybody can choose the correct width of the conveyor belt among sizes M, L and XL, respectively 1.6, 2.0, 2.4 meter.

Comelz CZM  CZL  CZXL cutting machine size

Compact multi-tools heads

Entirely developed, produced and integrated by Comelz, the tools are fast, robust, and reliable. In addition the tools are lightweight and compact improving the mechanical rigidity and allowing for quick and easy access to tool changing due to head rotation.

Comelz czm czl czxl cutting head leather

Evolution of the CU series with pneumatic oscillator available in 3 oscillation strokes of 2, 4 or 8 mm suitable for cutting materials
up to 4.5 mm.

The punching is managed by a maximum of 5 rotating punches mounted on revolver units and the equipment is completed by a pen to mark with interchangeable refill

Head with pneumatic oscillator available in 3 oscillation strokes of 2, 4 or 8 mm suitable for cutting materials up to 18 mm even
in multi-layered configuration.

2 rotating punches and 2 fixed punches as well as a plate which can be activated by software in cases where it is necessary to improve the retention of the materials during the punching step.

Comelz czm czl czxl cutting head synthetic
Comelz czm czl czxl cutting head leather

The Stop&Go patented system, available in the pneumatic Comelz oscillators, speeds up the execution of fragmented corners because it allows the blade to place in vertical controlled position during every oscillation, in order to get in and out the
material during the cutting of corners without moving the head vertically, which is slower


The integrated laser projectors always guarantee complete and optimum visibility of the piece shapes to be nested for every type and colour of material. The large work area is illuminated by a system of LED lamps.


Algorithm resulting from years of experience in automatic cutting optimization of both synthetic and natural materials. Fully configurable, it offers parameters such as cutting direction, quality areas, pairs and much more, to be taken into account for a constant yield over time. The data are used in the cutting phase to optimize consumption


A sophisticated vacuum system controls a large number of independent micro-sectors, each of just 10 x 14 cm. This concentrate with great resolution the vacuum power only where necessary, considerably reducing vacuum leaks along the irregular outline of the leather.

Comelz CZM CZL CZXL  vacuum system


With a touch screen and a dedicated software you can easily identify parts with different size of parts of different articles, send back into the bill of order parts that were potentially damaged, but also control the cutting machine parameters (knife hight, speed, etc.) directly from the collection position. With the aid of high quality LCD projectors, the collection assistance system can be integrated. By projecting different colors on different pieces of measurement, or pieces of different items in the same area to optimize the yield of the material, it is easier to identify and speed up the collection

Comelz CZM CZL CZXL CZ Plus picking monitor

Technical data

Descriptions CZM CZL CZXL
Cutting area (mm) 1500 x 850 1900 x 850 2300 x 850
Cutting speed 40 m/min 40 m/min 40 m/min
Maximum punching frequency (for each head) CUP head – 300p/min
TM head – 600 p/min
CUP head – 300p/min
TM head – 600 p/min
CUP head – 300p/min
TM head – 600 p/min
Air supply 300 L/min a 6 bar 300 L/min a 6 bar 300 L/min a 6 bar
Power supply 3 phase 400V-50/60 Hz
3 phase 220V-50/60 Hz (optional)
3 phase 400V-50/60 Hz
3 phase 220V-50/60 Hz (optional)
3 phase 400V-50/60 Hz
3 phase 220V-50/60 Hz (optional)
Maximum power consumption 16 KVA/24KVA 16 KVA/24KVA 16 KVA/24KVA
Net weight (Kg) 2.462 2.731 2.935
Gross weight (Kg) 2.742 2.991 3.195

Find the right fit for your business


What types of cutting machines do you offer for the shoes and leather goods industry?
Cutting edge solutions from Comelz with the CZ Series and CZ Plus Series can fulfil vary requirements from your production in both leather and synthetic cutting. With state-of-the art multi-tools cutting heads, the production with Comelz technology can be increased double efficiency compare to traditional cutting way. Vu Long Company provides a variety of Comelz brand automatic cutting machine products to always ensure meeting customers' production needs.
Material utilizations is the important key of footwear and leather good industry which can be push to the limits with Comelz auto nesting technology. Thank to the powerful nesting engine, production with Comelz auto nesting can reach the leather saving up to 12% depend on the material types and models.
On-site training is included in the new machine installation package. Vu Long also provides annual training and updates to all customers who are using Comelz machines and have maintenance contracts. Vu Long ensures prompt delivery and after-sales service at competitive costs to ensure customers can maintain production with ease.
All Comelz technology are complied with the CE standard and validated by TUV. See more...
Vu Long always welcome all customers to visit the showroom at 437 Tan Son, Ward 12, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh city to evaluate the new technology and performance tests for the latest machines from Comelz.

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