Comelz skiving SS20 computerized machine

The Comelz skiving SS20

  • SECTORS: Leather goods, Footwear
  • CONFIGURATIONS: Skiving leather.

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All developed by Comelz Italy first time functions are performed by mechanical units driven by independent motors operating under the direct control of the computer. The console can be easily reached and the data displays are very clear. An efficient dust collector is built in the frame of the machine.


The Comelz skiving SS20 has a memory for 800 different types of scarf (100 groups of 8) and each one is immediately accessible. It is sufficient to press a button to recall the required type of scarf. The operator can improve or modify the current scarf parameters configuration at nay time. The new adjustment is stored in memory, replacing the former data.


For those workpieces which profile requires different skiving styles it is possible to program the necessary sequence. The operator has only recall on the sequence display the required types of scarf in the correct order. Afterwards, just a slight pressure on the pedal will make the Comelz skiving SS20 shift from one configuration to the next. It is also possible to store these sequences in memory, making use of the ample and versatile memory of the machine.

Comelz skiving ss20 electronic control


The feed roller turns, by choice of the operators,

  • Continuously, at the predetermined speed
  • At a variable speed, controlled by a pedal.

In both cases the work feeding speed can be very accurately set and ut is not influenced by thickness an toughness of the material being processed.
These features make the skiving of workpieces with a complicated outline very easy. A Knee operated switch lifts the presser foot to release the workpiece at any moment


These two operations, which in traditional machines cause a remarkable loss of time, are automatically performed by the Comelz skiving SS20, according to the parameters chosen by the operator (pressure, duration and interval). It is also possible to have the machine performing continuous sharpening for special skiving works. The operator can activate and deactivate knife sharpening and grindstone dressing at any time, within his or her own discretion.


Skiving parameters:

  • thickness
  • width
  • angle
  • feed speed
    are shown on a display and can be micro metrically adjusted.
  •  movable
  •  fixed.

Both are present at the same time and can also be alternatively used on the same workpiece. The movable guide allows a fine adjustment of the scarf width. It is possible to program its disappearance under the work area to allow the use of the fixed guide.
This guide, positioned under the presser foot near to knife, is perfect for complicated skiving and for workpieces with very tight curves.
The unavoidable presser foot wear can be compensated directly through the control board of the machine for every scarf at the same time, to guarantee constant skiving quality

Technical data

Descriptions Data
Scarf width from 0 to 20 mm
Feed rata from 0 to 700 mm/sec
Knife rotation speed 2700 rpm
Electrical requirements 3-phase (1-phase upon request)
Max power consumption 1200W
Net weight 145 Kg
With case 200 Kg
Dimension (mm) 1.030 x 1.050 x 550

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What types of cutting machines do you offer for the shoes and leather goods industry?
Cutting edge solutions from Comelz with the CZ Series and CZ Plus Series can fulfil vary requirements from your production in both leather and synthetic cutting. With state-of-the art multi-tools cutting heads, the production with Comelz technology can be increased double efficiency compare to traditional cutting way. Vu Long Company provides a variety of Comelz brand automatic cutting machine products to always ensure meeting customers' production needs.
Material utilizations is the important key of footwear and leather good industry which can be push to the limits with Comelz auto nesting technology. Thank to the powerful nesting engine, production with Comelz auto nesting can reach the leather saving up to 12% depend on the material types and models.
On-site training is included in the new machine installation package. Vu Long also provides annual training and updates to all customers who are using Comelz machines and have maintenance contracts. Vu Long ensures prompt delivery and after-sales service at competitive costs to ensure customers can maintain production with ease.
All Comelz technology are complied with the CE standard and validated by TUV. See more...
Vu Long always welcome all customers to visit the showroom at 437 Tan Son, Ward 12, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh city to evaluate the new technology and performance tests for the latest machines from Comelz.

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