Comelz CZ Plus XXL: the ultimate leather auto cutting machine

Comelz CZ Plus XXL wide cutting table for big leather
  • Focus on Leather goods, Footwear, Automotive Furniture

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The structure of Comelz CZ Plus XXL is stronger: the cutting speed gets to limit not possible before. Therefore, the performances are impressive. Interlocking carriages bring the two cutting units to touch each other while cutting.

Comelz CZ Plus L and CZ Plus XXL head close

Comelz CZ Plus XXL machines are equipped with new generation heads. Double head support, new punching units, cutting unit with brushless motor.

State-of-the-art multitools cutting head

  • 7 tool cutting head (high frequency pneumatic knife, 4 independent punching units, pen, pin punch).
  • high-end endless screws (in place of more economical drive belts or rack-and-pinion systems).
  • micro-partialization system for the vacuum of the cutting area.
  • vacuum pump (up to 17.5KW) enclosed in a cooled and sound-proofed area inside the machine
  • electronic lubrification system for the cutting unit.
  • isolation transformer for protection against most issues on the electric power supply.
  • Comelz software for machine control and automatic nesting highly regarded for being user friendly, open, easily interconnected, and scalable.
Comelz CZ Plus L and CZ Plus XXL CJ cutting head TH 22025


With the CZ Plus series it is possible to have the most effective vision system that Comelz ever made in combination with the productivity of the double head machine. CZ Plus equipped with vision can cut textile/synthetic materials with drawings, logos, pre-printed images or roll of engineering mesh or similar. Final trim of pre-assembled parts can be also done.

Comelz CZ Plus L and CZ Plus XXL multi purposes vision

RAS-Rear Active Screen

The RAS system of Comelz CZ Plus XXL automatically closes during cutting activity and presses the material on the flat table, guaranteeing additional firmness and stability of the material in the cutting area. The RAS automatically closes while cutting is closed, when the operator needs to work on the material and approach it, it opens. If the conveyor moves, it opens.

Comelz CZ Plus L and CZ Plus XXL ras

Technical data

Descriptions Data
Cutting area CZ Plus XXL (mm) 3000 x 840
Cutting speed 60 m/min
Maximum punching frequency (for each head) 600 p/min
Air supply 300 L/min a 6 bar
Power supply 3 phase 400V – 50/60 Hz
3 phase 220V- 50/60 Hz (optional)
Maximum power consumption 20 KW

Find the right fit for your business


What types of cutting machines do you offer for the shoes and leather goods industry?
Cutting edge solutions from Comelz with the CZ Series and CZ Plus Series can fulfil vary requirements from your production in both leather and synthetic cutting. With state-of-the art multi-tools cutting heads, the production with Comelz technology can be increased double efficiency compare to traditional cutting way. Vu Long Company provides a variety of Comelz brand automatic cutting machine products to always ensure meeting customers' production needs.
Material utilizations is the important key of footwear and leather good industry which can be push to the limits with Comelz auto nesting technology. Thank to the powerful nesting engine, production with Comelz auto nesting can reach the leather saving up to 12% depend on the material types and models.
On-site training is included in the new machine installation package. Vu Long also provides annual training and updates to all customers who are using Comelz machines and have maintenance contracts. Vu Long ensures prompt delivery and after-sales service at competitive costs to ensure customers can maintain production with ease.
All Comelz technology are complied with the CE standard and validated by TUV. See more...
Vu Long always welcome all customers to visit the showroom at 437 Tan Son, Ward 12, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh city to evaluate the new technology and performance tests for the latest machines from Comelz.

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